
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Basic Distinctions between PADI and SSI - What should you choose

Are you interested in learning scuba diving? If yes, this blog is for you. However, if you want to be a proficient scuba diver, you must avail of proper certification. The certification allows you to attempt a variety of scuba diving courses anywhere in the world. When we are talking about Scuba Diving Courses, we can’t deny two types of courses, i.e. PADI Diving Courses and SSI Diving Courses. Both are certificate courses with somedifferences.

scuba diving
Scuba Diving

Newcomers, who want to learn diving, often get confused between these two courses and can’t decide the best course for them. Funny Divers, a trusted Hurghada dive Center brings you a basic draft of the differences between these two courses.

What do PADI and SSI  stand for?

Professional Association of diving instructors (PADI) is one of the most popular diving course and on the other hand, SSI refers to Scuba Schools International. You will get a valid certificate after the completion of the courses successfully.

PADI or SSI - Which is greater?

However, it is a basic confusion that every diver has to face. Whenever you get in a boat, you may come to learn that your instructor is the best. Therefore, most of the time, people get convinced differently. It means when you ask the PADI Diving Instructor about the authenticity of SSI, he or she may disagree and vice versa. Therefore, this question primarily makes no sense. However, if you consult an experienced Hurghada Diving organization like Funny Divers that offers you PADI and SSI diving under a single shade, then you can only learn the proper differences.

PADI Diving Courses
PADI Diving Courses

In simple words, every training center will help you to learn the basic skills and equipment every diver needs to possess. But in terms of theoretical discussion, certification costs, and the protocols of the particular training center, the ways may differ.

Both of the courses are certified by the World Recreational Scuba Diving Council. Therefore, if you are going for deeper research, you may come to know that there are not any massive differences between them.

PADI certification or SSI certification - What should you obtain between the two?

This is completely your decision. This decision is generally made of personal preference. It is all about your passion and what you want to become in the future. But no matter if you get trained with advanced PADI Diving Courses or Open Water courses in Hurghada, one thing you need to remember is that suppose, a diver gets himself or herself trained in a dark and thick lake, he or she may face problems to dive in crystal clear water.

What are the training materials and costs?

Suppose, you are learning PADI or SSI diving courses from a trusted Hurghada Dive Center like Funny Divers, all you need to do is just pay the course fees that cover all your other expenses including training materials and all. 

Suppose you want to obtain PADI Diving Courses or SSI diving courses, visit the website of Funny Divers to learn more about the courses and fees associated with it. 

 Funnydivers Diving Center   

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